
Consultation Services provided by Wild Canvas.


Enhancing the usability and flow of your space through site assessment and desired goals of the client. This includes, finding where well designed paths and borders should go, placement of sitting and "being" spots, places to focus plant growth to draw the eye towards a lovely peaceful view, or distract away from your neighbors perpetual trash pile.  


Decision making in old gardens for the sake of restoration, and keeping the vitality of the garden potent are crucial to keeping things feeling fresh and alive. Some things need to be retired, some things just need to be pruned well to feel refreshment. If you are trying to implement a new style of garden into an old one, it's helpful to do this gracefully and with as little resistance as possible. Respect what has been, and make those decisions boldly. 


Wild Canvas specializes in co-creating  artful, pollinator friendly hedges that simultaneously serve as a stand alone statement bed, as well as a functional privacy screen. A garden hedge can be as diverse as your imagination allows. They tend to be bordering the outskirts of the garden or used as a divider of sorts between buildings and boundary lines. They can be very structured, artful statement pieces. They can also be truly wild and untameable. As with many elements of the garden, it's important to have a bit of both. 


At the end of the site visit, the client will be left with a clear understanding of the necessary work at hand to make their future garden bloom. This will likely be in the form of a timelined task list to chip away at or hire out as necessary as well as resources to set them up for success. Each season affords us different opportunities to make impact in our space. Keeping in line with these seasons will make the work feel more easeful.

There are opportunities for ongoing site visits throughout the year if the work calls for it.